Content Details of the BCFE
'Basic Computer Forensic Examiner'
Budapest (Hungary) 2025
6-17 October
List of Topics scheduled for the IACIS BCFE Class
(May be subject to changes or updates for each new session)
BIOS, Boot Sequence and Boot Environments
Numbering Systems
Introduction to Hex Editor
Disk Structures
FAT File System
NTFS File System
Case Documentation
First Responder
Hashing & Hash Sets
Intro to Forensic Analysis & Scenario
Forensic Search Methodologies
RAM Capture & Analysis
Validation, Acquisition, Control & Practical Exercises
Forensic Acquisition Practical Exercise
SQL Databases
File Metadata
Compound Files
Windows Registry
Windows Artifacts
File Header & Carving
Internet Artifacts (Browsers)
Intro to Timeline Analysis
Digital Soup
Lab Management Overview
Mac Triage
Special Class overview, Ethics/Certification, eServices
BCFE/CFCE Core Competencies
IACIS Basic Computer Forensic Examiner (BCFE) and Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE) Programs
The BCFE/CFCE core competencies described in this document are a binding set of competencies that guide the training and certification programs to ensure that the skills and knowledge points are delivered within the training program are also the same set of standards evaluated within the certification program.
The core competencies have been identified through a job analysis process which identified the tasks and skillset for successful performance as a computer forensic examiner.

BCFE/CFCE Core Skills
There are seven competency areas addressed in the BCFE/CFCE Program: